
The Canadian Citizenship Practice Test

Canadian Law

Canada is governed by a system of laws founded on the presumption of innocence—all are innocent until proven guilty.


The role of courts in Canada is to settle disputes. The highest court in Canada is the Supreme Court of Canada. There is also the Federal Court of Canada that concerns itself with federal matters. In most provinces, there is an appeal court and trial court as well as provincial family and traffic courts.


Police enforce the law. The different types of police forces are:

  • Provincial police (in Ontario and Quebec)
  • Municipal police (in all provinces)
  • Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) who enforce the federal laws throughout Canada and assist the provincial police.
  • Remember that you can always question the police about their service or conduct if you feel you need to.

    Legal Help

    Lawyers can help with legal problems and act on your behalf in court. If you’re unable to afford an attorney, most communities offer legal aid services, which are free of charge or at a low cost.

    In Canada’s courts, as well as its armed forces, the Canadian Crown has been an important symbol. In the next section let’s look at this symbol as well as many other important Canadian symbols.